
5 Most Beautiful Norwegian Fjords

5 Most Beautiful Norwegian Fjords

During the ice ages, deep valleys and narrow inlets filled with ocean water, creating the natural wonders that the modern world often refers to as fjords.
   11/10/2017 16:52
See What Makes Geirangerfjord, Norway So Incredible

See What Makes Geirangerfjord, Norway So Incredible

During the ice ages, water from melted glaciers filled up deep valleys, forming the prodigies of nature that are known today as fjords. Among the most famous and beautiful of these fjords is Geirangerfjord, located in southwestern Norway near the coastal town of Ålesund.
   23/08/2017 15:24
10 Most Beautiful Fjords of the World

10 Most Beautiful Fjords of the World

A fjord is a long, narrow arm of the sea with steep sides, carved by glacial activity. Many people consider fjords the very symbol of Norway. This country contains some of the longest, deepest, and most beautiful fjords in the world.
   26/09/2016 16:49